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NEI-Open Forum April 2018

An Open Forum was organized for the entire staff of NEI on 28.04.2018. The agenda for the same was to felicitate the outstanding contributions of...

NEI- Open Forum March 2018

An Open Forum was organized for the entire staff of NEI . The agenda for the same was to felicitate the outstanding contributions of certain...

NEI Open Forum- January 2018

An Open Forum was organized for the entire staff of NEI on 16.02.2018. The agenda for the same was to felicitate the outstanding contributions of...

Custom Made Ocular Prosthesis Workshop

A Workshop on “Custom Made Ocular Prosthesis” was held at NEI on 18th  & 19th Dec 2017. Renowned Ocularist Mr. Pankaj Kr. Singh, Director at...

NEI Open Forum- November 2017

An Open Forum was organized for the entire staff of NEI on 18.11.2017. The agenda for the same was to felicitate the outstanding contributions of...

NEI Open Forum-October 2017

An Open Forum was organized for the entire staff of NEI on 07.10.2017. The agenda for the same was to felicitate the outstanding contributions of...

Lecture on Importance of Vision Screening Among Children

NIRMAL ASHRAM EYE INSTITUTE (NEI) has taken the initiative to create an awareness, in the society at large, on the importance of VISION SCREENING IN...

NEI Employees Felicitation Program For Completing 1,00,000 Surgeries

3rd June, 2017 marked a golden moment in the history of Nirmal Ashram Eye Institute (NEI), Rishikesh. To commemorate the landmark achievement of NEI having conducted...