Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj, preached the tenet of universal brotherhood, guided by the mantra “Love All, Help All, Serve All” and with this philosophy, HE founded the unique Nirmal Panth which was formally organized by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj in 1686 AD.
Nirmal Sampradaya’s philosophy and its glorious history of 330 years were the key inspirations in the founding of Nirmal Ashram at Rishikesh in 1903 AD.
Nirmal Ashram is a Public Charitable Trust which is engaged in spreading the message of global love irrespective of caste, creed, region, colour and religion.

Sant Buddha Singh Ji laid the foundation of Nirmal Ashram at Rishikesh in 1903 and he was the first Mahant (Spiritual Head) of the Ashram. He was deeply religious and was blessed with virtues like soft speech, great oratory, having an impeccable command over Gurbani and the Shastras.
While serving as the Mahant of Nirmal Ashram, Sant Buddha Singh Ji was also appointed Secretary of Nirmal Panchayati Akhara at Kankhal Hardwar.