Employees' State Insurance Scheme
Employees’ State Insurance Corporation Scheme (ESIS) has empaneled NEI to provide ophthalmic treatment to all entitled beneficiaries.

Hero Motocorp
Hero MotoCorp Ltd., formerly named as Hero Honda, is an Indian motorcycle and scooter manufacturer based in New Delhi, India. The company is the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world. Hero MotoCorp Ltd. has empanelled NEI to provide ophthalmic treatment to all entitled beneficiaries working at its manufacturing plant at Haridwar.

IIT Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee (IIT-R) is among the foremost of institutes of national importance in higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research. IIT-R has empanelled NEI to provide indoor treatment to its entitled beneficiaries.

THDC India Limited
THDC India Limited (THDCIL) is a Joint Venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. The Company was incorporated to develop, operate & maintain the Tehri Hydro Power Complex and other hydro projects. THDCIL is a Mini Ratna, Category-I Company. THDCIL has empanelled NEI since 2010 to provide cashless eye care and treatment to its employees and their dependents.

Park Mediclaim Insurance TPA (P) Ltd. (Park Mediclaim TPA)
Park Mediclaim TPA is a leading Third Party Administrator in the healthcare insurance industry. NEI has empanelled under them since 08.04.2019.

Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme
NEI (Nirmal Eye Institute) was empanelled under this Scheme in February 2013 to provide quality eye care to Ex-servicemen of Indian Defence Forces of the region

NEI (Nirmal Eye Institute) is empanelled with U-Health Scheme under which the Uttarakhand State Government employees and pensioner are covered. NEI provides cashless treatment beneficiaries of this Scheme since January 2014

Raksha Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd. (Raksha TPA)
Raksha TPA is one of the premier and most comprehensive health service facilitator in the Indian Market. NEI has empanelled under them since 01.04.2019.

Safeway Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd. (Safeway TPA)
Safeway TPA is a leading Third Party Administrator in the healthcare insurance industry. NEI has empanelled under them since 20.07.2019.